Expanding the Interfaith Tent in Davis, CA
Our Mission
To create a welcoming tent for all people in our community to nurture a sense of compassion, respect, and appreciation and to foster learning and understanding among the three Abrahamic traditions.
Our Story
After September 11, 2001, a group of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim clergy and laypersons met to consider how our community could honor those who had died and, at the same time, increase understanding and respect among the three major Abrahamic faiths in Davis and Woodland. The result was the Celebration of Abraham, a community-wide meeting to begin an interfaith dialogue.
Upcoming Events
Sunday February 2, 2025: Finding Strength to Move Through Challenges to be held at The Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, 1701 Russel Blvd, Davis, CA 95616. Click here to register: https://bit.ly/COAstrength